audio applications, the purity of silver wire plays a vital role in achieving the best sound quality. Among the various types of silver wire, OCC (Ohno Continuous Cast) silver wire are highly sought after. Lezi zintambo zaziwa ngokusebenza kwazo okuhle nekhono lokuhambisa amasiginali alalelwayo ngokulahleka okuncane, kubenza bakhethe okokuqala ama-audiophiles kanye nabaqeqeshiwe.
ilver wire is typically available in various purities, with 4N (99.99%) and pure silver (92.5%) being the most common. However, for those seeking the highest quality, 5N (99.999%) pure silver wire is a good choice. Lesi siliva esihlanzekile se-Ultra sithandwa kakhulu umsindo ophakeme wokuphela kwamakhono ayo okudlulisa aphakeme. Ukuhlanzeka okwengeziwe kunciphisa ukungcola okungaphazamisa ukucaciswa komsindo, okuholele ekuhlangenwe nakho okunembile futhi okunamahlandla okulandisa.
silver wire to meet the needs of discerning customers. We specialize in producing 4N and 5N pure silver wire, ensuring our customers receive the best product for their audio needs. Ukuzibophezela kwethu kwikhwalithi kufinyelela ekusekelweni kwethu kwe-batch encane yokwenza ngokwezifiso, okuvumela amakhasimende ukuthi athole imininingwane eqondile edingekayo kwisicelo sabo esiyingqayizivele.
litz wire, designed to further enhance audio performance. The combination of high purity and innovative design makes our silver wire an excellent choice for those looking to upgrade their audio system. Ukukhetha i-Ruiyuan, ungaqiniseka ukuthi umkhiqizo owutshala imali ngokungahambisani kodwa udlula amazinga embonini ukuze ubumsulwa kanye nokusebenza.